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Cowmilk and Disease by T.H. Crouch, Vegan Views 81 (Winter 1998/99)

For many years since 1950, I worked amongst Africans and then changed to practices amongst people of European origin mainly. The stark differences between diets and diseases led me to several conclusions that proved vitally important in later work.

Firstly, I observed that some white children had repeated tonsillar inflammations that sometimes spread to ear tissue. By comparison, the Africans had minimal throat infections apart from occasional diphtheria, and they ate almost entirely off the soil in their area. A major dietary difference was the large intake of cowmilk preparations by the whites. So cowmilk restriction was advised and many parents were pleased with their children's progress. During this phase of dietary exploration, some mothers changed their own diets and it was enlightening for them to recognise the lessening of some of their own problems. Breast disease with swelling and pain - mastitis - changed completely for the better in some women, which convinced them of future dietary courses of action. This was a most significant advance which was encouraged by the Australian Government in the 1960s, which allowed some health-relevant foods with medical backing to be marketed cheaply, if dietary benefits were held to be important. The soymilk of those years was from the USA and called 'Isomil'. Government common sense must have led to much tonsillar and breast relief. Letters were published in the local medical journals, but there was no move towards breast/tonsil healing on a wide scale. One woman-specialist refused to do a diet research amongst her 'Ear, Nose and Throat' patients. Her argument sickens to this day: "What will happen to me? Loss of my job and earnings?" Many years have passed with no meaningful research along soy versus cow lines affecting the tonsils and breasts.

An important research has been done that adds weight to the usefulness of breast treatment in the home (1). This has concluded that repeated breast inflammation tends to be a portent of future cancer complications. It is therefore wise for any woman with pain and swelling in her breast tissue to replace all food from bovine sources with soymilk preparations. At the beginning, the stricter the change, the better. Experience has shown me that breast protection and healing may be expected, depending on the thoroughness of the bovine meat and milk exclusion.

Later on, a series of very sick men in Cornwall, England, had the good fortune to receive the benefits provided by the evidence of the 8-year diet trial in Australia (2) which brought about remarkably successful heart and artery protective diet changes. The low-cholesterol diet that contains cowproteins in abundance was replaced by the strict bovine-exclusion diet. No cow-derived elements at all were in the Newquay diet. Advice had been received that pigs were often fed on bovine-origin substances, so any pig-food was also avoided. The results were excellent (3), non-smokers especially having less and less anginal pains. In addition, the Royal Truro Hospital examined the blood immune indicator, total immuno-globulin E (IgE) repeatedly in a series of coronary/artery disease stricken patients. It was found that total IgE blood levels had fallen to nearly nil, while similar tests by the Medical Research Council in Cardiff, Wales, revealed that the low-cholesterol total IgE levels averaged 264 units per millimetre. So it may be concluded that from conception onwards, the human habit of feeding cowmilk and bovine-origin meat to the very young without careful study of the past family histories is an unwise practice that holds later-life risks for a variety of bodily tissues that contain genetically ordained cells capable of progressive conflicts if sensitisation is present. Sites of evidence are the following: arteries, hearts, breasts, tonsils and nervous tissues, now being new discoveries.

A recent BBC item on television has linked tonsils with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans, the latter seeming to be a variety of the cattle disease BSE, which disease could well be based on sensitivity to land-animal and/or fowl foods unwisely given by cattle-owning farmers. So it is time that the 'cow-breast (udder)' is recognised as being capable of much progressive disease, with wholebody immune defence being at issue. It may be asked whether other land-animal/bird food sources now need thorough monitoring in their relationships with consumers' immune defences. A chain may nowadays be envisaged: non-soil foods from land-animal/bird sources (LAB) may sensitise some animals' nervous and immune systems, as may happen with humans.

In this interspecies conflict, as it may be called, human sensitivity may become a threat on the usual cow-origin intakes. With nervous and breast reactions, all being part of an immune defence stress and overloading, it is proper to take into account the heart and arteries and their rather desperate attempts to give of their best. So the series of seriously ill men in Cornwall had the advantage of receiving the benefits learned from the participants in the 8-year dietary therapy in Australia, with their beneficial heart protective results. Overall, patient progress was excitingly successful in these world-first studies, especially the Welsh investigation which noted that the low-cholesterol heart-disease people were urgently in need of strict bovine-protein exclusion in order to remove the high figures of IgE in their blood. These patients were matched with the protein-aware researchers on their strict cow-pig avoidance in respect of heart/artery suffering, age and sex. After six months of bovine/egg/ and chicken removal from the diets, there were 21 patients in Newquay who had repeated blood tests to establish protein levels. 15 had four blood tests on their date of measurement after six months of bovine/egg/chicken and pig avoidance. Every test had less than 10 units of total IgE in the blood. Of the 21 patients, only six had higher total IgE readings. Two of these had very high total IgE levels. Had they selected a non-strict diet?

The contrast between less than 10 units (protein aware diet) and 264 units of the low-cholesterol (skimmed cowmilk allowed) are dramatic and highly significant. Doubtless there are other aspects of total IgE that remain to be clarified. The above tests were carried out before the midday meal on an empty stomach after morning tea. Hopefully, may the breast distresses promote tight family control of bovine-food consumption. People with numerous problems in our cowmilk communities have a helpful duty to themselves - checking their total IgE and reducing high levels by the aforementioned measures. Any successful results would be welcome at the following address. Self-Health Association, 3 The Poplars, 20 Shortwood Road, Bristol BS16 9PL, England.

An international study has increased the evidence concerning the importance of protein in heart/artery disease (4). The date was May 15 1995. The British Broadcasting Corporation and Channel 4 briefly touched on an entry in an English national newspaper, the Daily Mail, of the same date. This mentioned a medical research at the University of Marseille in France which discovered a cowmilk impact on arteries. Professor P. Rolland's work directly implicated the cowmilk protein, casein, as being a cause of arterial damage in pigs. These animals have great organ similarity to those in humans, as noted in the references (4) and (5). This remarkable French finding confirms work done by T.H. Crouch, D.F. Davies, and G.A. Gresham as well as other doctors not blinded by infatuation with cholesterol.

How long will it take for Professor Rolland's work to move from closeted research to public awareness and action? Casein is well known as a protein capable of potent allergy reactions, yet more support for the principle of the artery sensitivity to this protein.


(1) Journal of the American Medical Association, 1992, 267: pp 941-4, S.J. London at al.

(2) Dietary Programme for Severe Vascular Disease, Self-Health Association, 3 The Poplars, 20 Shortwood Road, Pucklechurch, Bristol BS16 9PL (Ten pages).

(3) Bovine protein and Atherosclerosis, T.H. Crouch (Seven pages) [address as ref.2]. Medical Research Council Dietary Trial in Angina, 1975, 22 December, P.C. Elwood, Self-Health Association, 23 West Way, Clevedon, Bristol BS21 7XN (2 pages)

(4) British Medical Journal, 1994, 309: page 1592. Professor P. Rolland, University of Marseille, France, P.H. Rolland at al, Circulation, 1995, 91; No.4 pp 1161-1174. Summary from Self-Health Association.

(5) Disease and the Environment, 1982, pages 79-86. Pub. J. Wiley and Sons. T H Crouch.

New Zealand Medical Journal, 1977, 86: pp 349-350 T.H. Crouch.

American Heart Journal, 1971, 81: pp 289-91 D.F. Davies.

The Lancet, 1975, i: pp 614-5. G.A. Gresham.

Dr. T.H. Crouch has produced 80 leaflets concerning the connection between various diseases and non-vegetarian/vegan foods. These SELF-HEALTH ASSOCIATION articles are prepared for the public benefit. Payment for them is voluntary, to show public appreciation/support. Send SAE for a list of articles to: Dr. T.H. Crouch, 23 West Way, Clevedon, Somerset BS21 7XN.

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